We recognise that there have been many portals in the past and have now simplified to one standard portal in which you, the suppliers, can register your interest to work with us. If you have registered previously do not worry, we have your details in our database.

A message from our sponsor

“We need to collaborate across the supply chain and look for creative, innovative approaches to reach our global offshore wind targets. A thriving offshore wind sector is one with open and enduring collaboration and partnership.”

Nisha Trivedi, VP procurement, offshore wind

What happens next?

You will receive an email to confirm we have received your application. Depending on your answers your submission will be routed to our business, category or innovation teams.

Ready to support

Your application will be routed to the relevant bp category team which will review your company profile and invite you to appropriate opportunities.



Established suppliers that are moving into the offshore wind industry and may need support to grow.



Individuals or suppliers that have a concept for offshore wind that needs support from bp to grow.


Frequently asked questions about the activity.

There are no restrictions on type, size or location of participating companies that want to apply. The primary objective of this activity is to align ourselves with like-minded companies.

We are looking to work with companies that have solutions to enable deployment of our current and future wind portfolio. We are particularly keen for solutions that will reduce cost, enable regional content and reduce time to deployment.

Yes, you can.

You will need to submit one application per category type.

Yes you can however please note once your application is in the review cycle any changes submitted may not be captured.

Within the application there is a question about funding. This is designed to assess whether the solution being proposed needs funding to help make a more informed decision on your application but is not a commitment from bp to provide this funding. In case we do decide to go forward then separate discussions will ensue.