How can bp support advancing your innovation?

The following are examples of what bp may provide to support applicants in bringing their innovations forward. During workshops to be held with selected applicants, bp’s offer will be tailored in mutual agreement with the innovators on a case-by-case basis, and therefore is not exact as per or limited to the below.


Commercial opportunity

Access to commercial implementation in bp’s worldwide offshore wind projects.



Cooperation with bp’s top experts for strategic, commercial and technical support and/or access to relevant data.



Financial support to bring your innovation or research to the next phase.


Press release on you and bp joining forces to unlock circularity in offshore wind.

Test bed

A pilot or even large-scale commercial implementation in an offshore environment.



Linked to your innovation, e.g. to prove effectiveness of your solution.

Focus areas

The circular economy is based on three principles, driven by design; Eliminate waste and pollution, Circulate products and materials (at their highest value) and Regenerate nature. As part of this campaign we are looking for solutions that fit the first two and aligned with one of the following focus areas.

Design out waste

Waste is often accepted as a “by-product” of the linear economy. Have you innovated to design out waste from the start?


Supply chain resilience 

Global events have demonstrated how materials and resources are subject to supply chain disruption. What solutions can you offer us that will make our supply chain more resilient?

Life extensions

We recognise that there is more to circularity than waste. We’d like to reduce our material and resource consumption by keeping valuable products in use for longer, getting more out of them and driving a “performance economy”. Can you help us?


End of life solutions

Many of the world’s industrial solutions, products and services are a challenge to manage once they reach the end of their useful life. Let us know how you have innovated to solve some of our most challenging problems.

Approaches we are looking to support

bp has also adapted an existing framework for bringing circularity to life. This framework – called CIRCLES at bp - consists of 5 approaches to improve circularity. We want to explore these approaches in terms of building and operating offshore wind farms.

Narrow (use less)

Use fewer products, components and materials during design and production, and during delivery, use and recovery. 

Close (use again)

Bring post-consumer “waste” back into the economic cycle. 

Inform (use data)

Use “digital” - data, technology and IT as an enabler for circularity and to support the other approaches. 

Slow (use longer)

Use products and components for longer. 

Regenerate (make clean)

Design products with renewable and non-toxic materials. 


Step by step process

Applications opens on February 27th 2023.


Complete the application process, providing information about your company and innovation. Application phase is open until April 21st 2023.

Applications closed April 21, 2023

We will review all applications and notify you by early May 2023 if you have progressed to the next stage. Between your application date and this time, we may email you to request more information.

Demo Day

Applicants selected for the demo day will be informed by no later than mid June 2023. The demo day will consist of the selected applicants presenting their solution to the wider Wind team at bp.

Final Selection

If you make the final selection, the Wind team at bp will look to formalize a relationship with you and your innovation with the aim of to bringing it to life. The final selection is expected to take place in summer 2023.

* Completion of the application process does not guarantee your company as a bp supplier.


Frequently asked questions about the campaign

There are no restrictions on type, size or location of participating companies that want to apply to the campaign. The primary objective of this campaign is to align ourselves with like-minded companies.

We are looking for market-ready hardware or software solutions as well as proposals at PoC (Proof of Concept), Prototype and MVP (Minimum Viable Product) levels of maturity. Research projects to further understand the potential for circularity in offshore wind will also be considered.

You will receive an email to confirm we have received your application with further information on the process. We may also, prior to making a decision on the companies selected for the Demo Day, contact you by email for any further information.

The Demo Day will be held virtually. The date of this will be communicated when the chosen applicants are informed of their demo invitation.

You do not have to pay to participate in this challenge.

If you are successful in your application, bp will look to engage in a commercial opportunity with our Offshore Wind team. This engagement will be based on the maturity of your solution.