Contact and information

Before you contact us, please take a moment to look at the frequently asked questions below. We have captured the most common queries and information requests here, so you may find the answer you are looking for.

If you don’t find what you’re looking for, you can contact us by email using the contact details below.


Frequently asked questions about the campaign

To make an application you must register for an account on the platform. To do that, click the Apply button and you’ll be asked to login. If you have an account login with your email address and password. If you do not have an account click the Register link on the login page and follow the instructions on the page and in the email. Please note; you will nee to be logged in to reply to comments or update your application. The login page is here.

There are no restrictions on type, size or location of companies that want to apply. The primary objective of this activity is to identify and pilot technologies that align to our specific requirements for a EPM and MAP.

You’ll receive an automated message to let you know bp has received your information. bp teams will then review your information and determine if your solution is something we’d like to explore in more detail. That determination will be shared with you over email. We intend to pilot the technology of the winning submission(s). Even if we decide not to work with you in the short term, we will consider your company and solution for future opportunities and may use your application information to get back in contact with you.

Yes, you can. However, once it is in our review cycle any changes may not necessarily be captured.

Contact Us

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